Tuesday, October 25, 2011


As we have repeatedly emphasized in our test of Uncharted 3, Naughty Dog continues to push the boundaries of interactivity. It is even an almost faultless for Uncharted 3 shows that intelligent in his narration, rhythmic and relentless in its progress in its fight sequences. In achieving it only pushes the limits of the PlayStation 3, offering beautiful graphics to die for and views that will remain in history. Some defects remain (AI not smart enough, not really stealth charge) but they are nothing compared to the spectacle that we offer Naughty Dog for the ten hours of play needed to overcome this epic adventure. Besides the experiment is extended by several hours due to cooperation and multiplayer modes. Uncharted 3: Game of the Year? There is no shadow of a doubt!
In only two episodes, the Uncharted franchise has become the flagship of a PlayStation 3 capable of renewing its exclusive.
Even if Nathan Drake does not have the charisma of a Kratos, to name him the hero he is today the most anticipated of the season on any console.
No wonder Sony Computer Entertainment has decided to advance the release of Uncharted 3: The Illusion of Drake a little week, to satisfy the voracious appetite and insatiable of the barge, which falls rather well since November 1 is a holiday in France.
Uncharted 3 is it the real blockbuster is expected all or just a mere illusion? Obviously, the question does not even ...  When we left Nathan Drake two years ago somewhere in the hostile mountains of the Himalayas, he almost lost his skin.
And not once! Always looking for thrills, our adventurer decided this time to follow the footsteps of TE Lawrence (better known under the name of Lawrence of Arabia) and those of Sir Francis Drake, an archaeologist whose legend claims that he would have found the famous city of the pillars Ubar, a city containing many treasures and hidden in the desert of Rub Al-Khali.
To accompany him on his journey, we find Victor Sullivan, his friend and mentor ever, seen before in the first two Uncharted. If Sullivan is finally a character in a second area for the whole adventure Uncharted 3, we will be more her story told and the strange relationship he forges with Katherine Marlowe, an old woman at the head of a splinter group claims dubious and acts of great evil here. If the arrival of new characters can develop a little history surrounding the character of Drake (you can play with our hero through flashback sequences at the age of 15 years), there are some figures emblematic of the series.
It must be said that our Indiana Jones video game today has been a nice little team, on which he can count. This is also one of the efforts made by the designers at Naughty Dog, who wishes to propose a scenario sufficiently dense and interesting to keep the player in suspense during the ten hours of play needed to overcome this epic .
The term is also not overused, as three multiplies Uncharted travel around the world.
Like the previous episode, Nathan Drake will have to travel the world looking for clues to achieve his ends. London Underground, French Chateau in flames, people crowded souk or even Arabian desert, each of these environments has been the subject of special care.
Whether textures, extremely detailed, and the wealth of scenery that inspires a real personality to each place visited, nothing in the game has been left to chance.
This time also, Uncharted 3 has some downtime, quieter passages that take advantage of these incredible graphics and marvel at some panoramas that remain forever etched in memory.
Be careful not to be misled, however, this does not mean that Uncharted 3 has lost its frantic pace, quite the contrary.
Indeed, as Naughty Dog intelligently varies the phases of exploration, gunfights, platforms and puzzles. The latter, always ingenious, do not present any obstacle, however, if one has a little bit of gumption. In any case, the booklet Drake, is full of all kinds of clues that allow it to resolve them without too much take the lead.
And if the player finds himself really stuck, the contextual help screen, while the dialogues between the characters also help find the solution to the problem.

You will understand, Uncharted 3 is a title that should please the greatest number and it's also why we call it Call of Duty adventure game.
Those who felt that Uncharted 2 was too prescriptive may chirping again, since this sequence contains the same basis as his illustrious elder.
However, the linearity of the game is hidden by a scene worthy of the greatest Hollywood. She is beginning the lack of difference between phases of play and cinematic, especially since some of them are playable using QTE (Quick Time Events).
The fighting hand-to-body also gained momentum, with angles often well chosen, if not cinematic, and even more involved with this incredible immersion.
As usual, Drake used the stage to eliminate his enemies more effectively, offering a wide variety in the actions.
This attention to detail, it is also found in the animation entirely done using motion capture. Obviously, those who follow the series will not be at all surprised by this performance technique, but it is necessary to note that developers are allowed to add new moves, that enhance the naturalness of the characters. It will indeed not uncommon to see Drake turned his head toward the speaker when he speaks to him, or better to turn when it is pursued.
At the end of a race, Nathan Drake will have to catch her breath, and he will not hesitate to put his hand on the wall when walking too close to it.
The number of events has been revised upwards, and the view down the stairs at an angle or push the galleys for a van is just as enjoyable.
The loser side of Drake is also still relevant, but this time in a less pronounced, as the dialogues, also less inclined to humor than the second Uncharted. However, we won the opportunity to choose the language options in the game, allowing fans of VOST enjoy the original voice and lip synchronization.

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