Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple Presents the iPhone 4S, more powerful and equipped with voice commands

Apple introduced the iPhone Tuesday 4S, the fifth generation of the smartphone brand.
Available next week in seven countries, including France, the new phone will be more powerful and with new voice commands.
Apple introduced the iPhone Tuesday 4S, the fifth version of the aircraft since 2007 remains the benchmark for smartphone, which, despite several innovations, has left many of their hunger experts.
As expected, the new general manager Tim Cook, in office since the withdrawal of the charismatic boss founder Steve Jobs in August for health reasons, has acted as master of ceremonies, but he yielded the lead to its marketing director Phil Schiller.
It is "the best iPhone ever there," assured Mr. Schiller during a presentation at company headquarters in Cupertino (California). "Our competitors try to imitate the iPhone with a list of features, but only the iPhone can make the breakthrough innovations that work harmoniously together."  The action, however, Apple dropped 3.33% to 362.14 dollars around 1930 GMT, analysts are disappointed that the California group does not have an iPhone 5, which would have scored even greater progress, while the iPhone 4S , in black or white, looks just like the iPhone 4.
The main innovations are hidden inside the device (more powerful microprocessor, more powerful antenna, improved camera), or reside in the programs.
As noted, the program Siri is "an intelligent assistant that helps you do what you have to do on demand," Apple argued.
Siri can either answer the question "Do I need an umbrella this weekend?" Which means "how is the traffic next to here," and notes when he says "reminds call me mom when I get home. "
The 4S iPhone works with a new version of Apple's operating system for its portable devices, iOS5, who also works with iPods and tablet iPad.
Finally the iPhone is compatible with the 4S system file storage online Apple icloud, announced in June and publicly available as of October 12
The iPhone 4S will be available Oct. 14 in seven countries including the United States, France and Canada, and in 22 additional countries by the end of the month, including Belgium and Switzerland.  Siri system, still in experimental version will be available at launch of the iPhone 4S in English, French and German.
Apple took the opportunity to cut prices on their older devices, the iPhone is now sold 4 $ 99 with membership in the United States, and the previous generation, the 3G, becoming free subscription.
In the U.S., the iPhone 4S will be sold by either two but three operators, Sprint coming to join industry giants AT & T and Verizon, for a price between 199 and 399 dollars for a subscription, depending on the storage capacity of the device.
The Wall Street Journal on Monday announced that Sprint would in turn access to the iPhone at the price of a huge investment, amounted to around $ 20 billion by the newspaper.
In his first speech as head of Apple, Mr. Cook, sporting a style very similar to that of its predecessor with jeans and a black shirt, appeared relaxed in praising the success of the Apple range.
For his part Mr. Jobs was absent. He who is no longer the president of the board of Apple is on sick leave since the beginning of the year and formally ceded the reins in August.
The event was also an opportunity to present a refreshed line of iPods Touch and iPod Nano, with prices driven down.

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