Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Google Chrome" Update Server not available: error 3 (Windows 7)

We Just Need to verify that the file is GoogleUpdate.exe in the directory specified by the Windows Registry Editor.
  1. Click on the Start menu, click Run.
  2. Enter "regedit" (with no "").
  3. Click OK. The registry editor opens.
In the left tree, navigate to the following:  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {9FF5-43C0-2F0E2680-B76E-114A56E93598} \ LocalServer32

The value "default" must match the location of your GoogleUpdate.exe or GoogleUpdateOnDemand.exe. Check if it is well to the specified location.

If not, try uninstalling Google Chrome, then reinstall it.
If the file or GoogleUpdate.exe GoogleUpdateOnDemand.exe appears in another location, click the right mouse on the value "Default", then select Edit. Enter the correct path of the file, making sure to use double quotes (Per Example "C: \ Documents and Settings \% USERNAME% \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Google \ Update \ GoogleUpdate.exe (or GoogleUpdateOnDemand. exe) ").

The Second Option is :

  •     Close Google Chrome
  •     Click the Start Orb  
  •     In the search box, type CMD  
  •     Click on the CMD icon and you will see the command window open 
  •     Type: cd %localappdata%\google\update  
  •     After you press enter, you cursor should now be in your google update directory   
  •     Type: GoogleUpdate.exe /RegServer
  •     Running that only took a second.
  •     Open Google chrome and check ‘About Google Chrome’ again and it should now check the update servers successfully.

    You Can Also try to reinstall Google Chrome here
    • The Last Option ;)

      1. Close all open instances of Chrome
      2. Open C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application
      3. Right-click chrome.exe, select Properties
      4. Select Compatibility tab
      5. Select 'Change settings for all users'
      6. Uncheck 'Run this program as an administrator'

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